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Short version Calvian endo-pen®

Listening to the ideas and needs of our customers is a big part of what makes Sutter succesful. Over time we had some requests from pediatric neurosurgeons to design a shorter, more compact version of our bipolar forceps Calvian endo-pen®. We are happy to announce that this shorter version is available.


Short version Calvian endo-pen®

Listening to the ideas and needs of our customers is a big part of what makes Sutter succesful. Over time we had some requests from pediatric neurosurgeons to design a shorter, more compact version of our bipolar forceps Calvian endo-pen®. We are happy to announce that this shorter version is available.


Training project for doctors in Rwanda

Social engagement is a matter truly dear to our hearts. With our child sponsorships, blood donor campaigns organized by our employees or material donations, we constantly try to make our contribution. This time we were happy to support a training project in Kigali, Rwanda.


Business Run 2017

Before the start signal, the team from Sutter Medizintechnik was again awarded for the fittest team in the group of small and medium-sized enterprises. With more than 50% of the employees we had a really great race and time together.


ENT meeting Erfurt, Germany

From May 24 to May 27, the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, met in Erfurt for their annual meeting. Together with our German distribution partner Neuwirth Medical Products, we were delighted to welcome many visitors at our booth in the exhibition area.


Workshop in Meppen

For the 7th time, PD Dr. E. Oestreicher invited ENT doctors to his workshop on dermatosurgery and aesthetic procedures in Meppen, Germany that took place on March 31 and April 1, 2017. In different lectures given by PD Dr. E. Oestreicher and PD Dr. med. Scherer, participants learned about the many possibilities and advantages of the 4MHz radiofrequency technology in both dermatosurgical and aesthetic procedures. The workshop offered a great mix of theoretical knowledge, live surgeries, and practical exercises.


New: RaVoR™ Single-Use Probes

There has been a strong and unrelenting trend towards single-use instruments in hospitals and clinics worldwide. 
To respond to this demand, Sutter launched the RaVoR™ single-use probes for sleep-related breathing disorders and snoring treatment


First Radiofrequency-Course in 2017

On January 27, the 8th radiofrequency course of the department of otolaryngology of the University Hospital Munich (LMU, Director: Prof. Dr. med. A. Berghaus) took place on their Großhadern campus. Once again, we and our distributor partner Neuwirth Medical Products supported the course under the direction of Dr. med. M. Patscheider.


Winter Days of Laryngology

Our first event in 2017 was the Winter Days of Laryngology in Crans Montana, Switzerland. 
The event brought together reputable laryngologists from all around the world to discuss
the different issues of larynx surgery and also learn about the methods of their colleagues. 


Thanks for this successful year

With our last blog entry for 2016 we like to say 'thank you'.

Thank you for your support, your enthusiasm for our products, your attendance at our events and last but not least thank you for visiting us at our booths all over the world. All of this contributed to this successful year 2016.


Social commitment

For 10 years now, German welfare organizations such as Caritas, Diakonie and the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Employment and Housing of the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg have acknowledged social commitment by awarding a prize to small and medium-sized businesses.

In 2016 Sutter Medizintechnik received the prize for social commitment. 


Experiences by Experts

Dr. Cameron McIntosh is a young ENT surgeon from South Africa who visited the Sutter factory and the sales and
marketing team in Freiburg at the beginning of the year. He subsequently purchased a CURIS® radiofrequency generator
with a full range of instruments and the 4RHINO for measurement of nasal airflow before and after nasal surgery in his patients.
Read more about his experiences ...


Official Start of Sutter USA

We are very pleased that a newly founded Sutter branch doing now actively
business in the United States has been added to our subsidiary in Hong Kong.


16th EANS in Athens

This year, the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies met in Athens, Greece.
According to the motto “Neurosurgery: from the Classics to the future” the congress attracted
more than 1200 delegates and 50 companies from the medical industry into the Greek capital.


SDC 2016 in Stockholm

This year, Sutter Medizintechnik GmbH held its 6th International Sutter Distributor Conference
in the beautiful city of Stockholm. The event is popular with distributors from Europe and the
Asia-Pacific region as it combines fun events, learning situations and the exchange of ideas and market experience.



Business Run in Freiburg

In July, despite the high summer temperatures, many of the Sutter employees joined the B2Run in Freiburg.
At 30 degrees the 6 km long stretch was a real challenge. But they got awarded.


Workshop in Kuala Lumpur

At the 18th Asian Research Symposium on Rhinology, held conjointly with the Malaysian Head & Neck Society congress in Kuala Lumpur in May 2016, Dr Clemens Heiser presented on the application and advantages of 4 MHz radiofrequency for a wide range of ENT surgical indications.


First Sutter radiofrequency course in Munich

Medical device manufacturers have a responsibilty for surgeon education in order to explain their technology and share best practices. In April 2016 Sutter Medizintechnik partnered with the ENT department at the University hospital Munich ‘rechts der Isar’ to hold its first radiofrequency course for ENT surgeons. It was a 1.5 day event dedicated to explaining the advantages of radiofrequency, evaluating the clinical outcomes and providing practical skill training.


Business Run in Freiburg 2015

Although many were on vacation or travelling, about half of the Sutter staff enjoyed taking part in the run in summery weather on June 11, 2015. “We’ll do it again next year”, they enthused.


European ENT Congress and Sutter Conference in Prague 2015

The Sutter Marketing team attended the European ENT Congress with their own stand and hosted a Sutter Conference with 33 participants in Prague afterwards. At both events, the 4Rhino distributed by Sutter attracted wide interest among visitors and participants.