Sutter Medical - Artikeldetailseiten - Text / News - RaVoR™ Bipolare Elektroden


RaVoR™ (Radiofrequency Volume Reduction) is an interstitial application for submucosal tissue shrinkage. Radiofrequency energy causes deliberate local lesions through the short and selective heating of certain tissue areas. The treated tissue is decomposed by the body‘s own immune system and transformed into fibrous scar tissue. This process leads to a shrinkage and stiffening of the treated area. Sutter has developed different bipolar electrodes for the treatment of sleep-related breathing disorders based on the anatomical sites of obstruction.


„Bipolar radiofrequency volumetric tissue reduction, using Sutter technology, appears to have promising results for patients with snoring and mild OSA. One treatment session resulted in significant reduction in snoring intensity, improvement in sleep quality and QOL, and reduction in daytime sleepiness."

Pang et al. Sutter bipolar radiofrequency volume reduction of palate for snoring and mild obstructive sleep apnea. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology. 2009; 123: 750-754


RaVoR™ Bipolar Electrodes: Advantages

Instrument's shape follows the anatomy

The shape of the RaVoR™ bipolar electrodes follow the anatomy, thus allowing easy access to the application site, giving optimal view and perfect control over the instrument.



Ideal lesions

RaVoR™ bipolar electrodes make oval-shaped, long lesions possible. Both shape and size allow treating a bigger area while protecting bony structures as well as mucosa. 



Protecting mucosa

A thin insulating layer protects the surface of the mucosa from thermal damage.



Autoclavable and reusable

RaVoR™ bipolar electrodes can be cleaned and autoclaved, just like conventional surgical instruments.

RaVoR™ for the Inferior Turbinates

RaVoR™ of the inferior turbinates has become a standard treatment option in sleep surgery, i.e. to treat habitual snoring, mild sleep apnea and to increase both comfort and compliance of CPAP treatment. Moreover, it can be beneficial to improve nasal breathing, even together with septum correction, or to treat symptoms of rhinitis.


„RaVoR™ is a modern surgical technique showing good and long-lasting treatment results when used to reduce the volume of hypertrophic turbinates.
At the same time it preserves the mucosa and its function.“

R. Romeo, MD, Rome (Italy)



RaVoR™ for the Soft Palate

RaVoR™ (Radiofrequency Volume Reduction) of the soft palate has become the standard surgical procedure to treat habitual snoring and mild sleep apnea. Multiple clinical studies confirmed the efficacy and the clinical benefit of the treatment (see abstracts). This minimally invasive treatment method preserves the structures and function of the soft palate. RaVoR™ is performed under local anesthesia; it can easily be combined with other treatments, e.g. RF-UPPP or CPAP treatment.


„The radiofrequency assisted soft palate procedure is a minimally invasive, safe and quick procedure. It is well tolerated by patients.
We have not observed any bleeding that needed special attention.“

D. Brehmer, MD, Göttingen (Germany)


RaVoR™ for the Tongue Base

RaVoR™ of the tongue base is intended for patients suffering from light to moderate obstructive sleep apnea and retrolingual obstruction. RaVoR™ (Radiofrequency Volume Reduction) of the tongue base is a minimally invasive surgical treatment option for obstructions on that level. Tongue base reduction is usually combined with either conservative treatment (CPAP) or other surgical interventions (multi-level). RaVoR™ of the tongue base is performed under general anesthesia. Patients remain under supervision for at least one night.


„In my clinical practice I successfully make use of the tongue base radiofrequency procedure. My experience shows that when using this minimally invasive method together with other surgical techniques, the outcome of sleep-related breathing disorder surgery can be improved. The treatment is useful and should be considered in the treatment of patients with tongue base collapse.“

M. A. A. Sarte, MD, Manila (Philippines)



Further Information

For detailed information please refer to our product catalog:  

CURIS® – ENT and Plastic Surgery [1,8 MB]

Instructions for use:
IFU Bipolar Electrodes [1,7 MB]


For further information on the treatment please see the application reports in our media center.


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