With their delicate eccentric tines, the SuperGliss non-stick zhora bipolar forceps are particularly advantageous for surgical procedures in narrow and confined spaces. Neurosurgeon Prof. T. Meling, MD, from the Rigshospitalet Copenhagen in Denmark reports his experiences with the instrument:
"The sharp tips allow a precision that surpasses all other bipolar forceps I have used throughout my career. The forceps are well-balanced and the tines are very slender, but strong. With the small upward angulation of the tips, the SuperGliss non-stick zhora bipolar forceps are perfect for skull base tumors in deep and narrow fields, as well as for more superficial, minimally invasive procedures.”
T. R. Meling, MD, Rigshospitalet Copenhagen, Denmark
In the video, Prof. Meling, MD, performs a surgery of dural arteriovenous fistulas (dAVF) with the SuperGliss non-stick zhora. Due to the special design of the instrument, the tips are clearly visible in the operating field, especially in narrow and confined spaces.
In another surgery to remove a large brainstem cavernoma, Prof. Meling, MD, also benefited from the precision and versatility of the SuperGliss non-stick zhora. As he describes in his application report, the 0.2 mm tips enable clear visibility in the surgical field due to the tip design by a 10° upward skew. For Prof. Dr. Meling and his team the SuperGliss non-stick zhora is an important tool for brainstem lesion surgery, routinely used in skull base and vascular neurosurgery.
Find out more in the Application Report:
Find all models of the SuperGliss non-stick zhora as well as other product lines for a variety of surgical needs in our SuperGliss non-stick bipolar forceps series.