On January 27, the 8th radiofrequency course of the department of otolaryngology of the University Hospital Munich (LMU, Director: Prof. Dr. med. A. Berghaus) took place on their Großhadern campus. Once again, we and our distributor partner Neuwirth Medical Products supported the course under the direction of Dr. med. M. Patscheider.
Doctors from Germany and Austria found their way to Munich to learn more about radiofrequency surgery, different techniques, and applications. The speakers Dr. med. Martin Patscheider, Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Bernhard Olzowy, and Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Klaus Stelter taught basics of radiofrequency surgery and shared their experiences with RF with the participants. The course participants learned more about different possibilities and applications of bipolar and monopolar radiofrequency therapy. That included turbinate reduction and applications on soft palate and tonsils among others. The feedback was great and many participants were surprised by the large variety of RF surgery. In addition to applications used to treat snoring, the speakers talked about larynx surgery, cosmetic procedures and the treatment of nasal valve stenosis.
The radiofrequency course offered a good mix of theory and practical exercises. Apart from different lectures in the morning, participants saw live surgeries on soft palate, nose and tonsils. In the afternoon, the participating doctors had the opportunity to test our CURIS 4MHz radiofrequency generator on specimen. Doctors used both RaVoR™ probes and monopolar ARROWtip™ electrodes in combination with our radiofrequency generator.